(1) 基于Web的经济信息处理与办公自动化系统(镇江经贸委项目)
(2) 可视化查询程序设计系统的fb体育研究与开发(国家自然科学基金项目)
(3) 数据库图符语言的开发(江苏省自然科学基金项目)
(4) 基于web实时实物产品演示的电子商务系统(江苏大全集团项目)
(5) 《fb体育》子课题:分布式企业信息系统中的复杂授权机制fb体育研究 (国家863计划项目)
(6) 《fb体育》子课题:制造企业ERP的需求建模及转换工具研发 (国家863计划项目)
(7) 离散制造企业信息集成系统fb体育研究开发及其在开关电气行业应用(国家863计划项目)
(8) 国家专利产业化中医药试点基地信息平台与专用专利数据库的建设(国家知识产权局项目)
(9) 远程高等教育教学体系的构建及管理(213) (江苏省教改项目)
(10) 丹阳新材料产业基地创新服务综合信息平台建设(国家火炬计划项目)
(11) 音频数字盲水印技术的fb体育研究与开发(江苏省高校自然科学基金项目)
(12) 面向成套电气大型企业集团的数字化综合集成系统开发与应用示范(江苏省科技计划项目)
(13) 江苏丹阳家纺创新设计公共技术服务中心(江苏省科技基础设施建设计划项目)
1. 一种基于消息机制的企业服务总线系统。申请号:CN201210323447.3。公开号:CN102868608A
2. 一种SOA中基于属性的跨安全域访问控制方法和系统。申请号:CN201210183256.1。公开号:CN102694867A
(1) Deep web database classification based on tuple-matching. Journal of Computational Information Systems,2013,9 (17) : 6775- 6783.(EI)
(2) Methods and model of grey modeling for approximation non-homogenous exponential data. System Engineering Theory and Practice,2013,33(3): 689-694.(EI)
(3) Research on Automatic Summarization of Non-linear Weighted Based on Personalized Context. Journal of Computational Information Systems ,2012,8 (17) : 7375- 7383.(EI)
(4) Web search results clustering algorithm based on semantic similarity. Journal of Computational Information Systems ,2012,8 (23) : 9663-9670.(EI)
(5) Research on dynamic message routing for ESB based on message system,2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, CSSS 2012:663-665.(EI)
(6) Attribute based access control (ABAC)-based cross-domain access control in service-oriented architecture (SOA),2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, CSSS 2012: 1405-1408.(EI)
(7) Associative web document classification based on word mixed weight. 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, ICCSIT 2010,3: 578-581.(EI)
(8) Case based reasoning based on Fuzzy Rough Set. 2010 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information and Financial Engineering, ICIFE 2010:778-782.(SCI,EI)
(9) Web page repetitive structure and URL feature based deep web data extraction. 2010 2nd International Conference on Communication Systems, Networks and Applications, ICCSNA 2010,1:361-364.(EI)
(10) An approach for treatment of the incomplete data based on wave cluster and weighted 1-nearest neighbor. International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology,Singapore,Singapore,17-20 April,2009:3-8. (SCI,EI)
(11) Routing mechanism for active publish subscribe system based on event space partition. 2008 International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, ISISE 2008,1: 468-472.(SCI,EI)
(12) Adaptive synchronous audio watermarking algorithm.Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science), 2008,36(9): 59-63.(EI)
(13) Risk and robust decision for selecting partners in product design chain. Control and Decision, 2008,23(2): 151-156. (EI)
(14) A heuristic algorithm of attribute reduction in rough set. International Conference on Informational Technology and Environmental System Science,2008,1: 607-611.(SCI)
(15) A Time-Constrained Secure Data-driven Coordination Model. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2007.07,IJCSNS.
(16) Average density-based outliers detection.Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2007,36(6): 1286-1288+1295.(EI)
(17) Improved Synchronous Scheme Based on A Re-adaptive Audio Watermarking Scheme. IeCCS 2006,Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, 2007.08,IeCCS
(18) Design of role-based access control in spatial database management system. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2006,28(10): 1583-1586. (EI)
(19) Implementation issues of authorization mechanisms in Grid computing systems. Second IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering, SOSE 2006:76-80 (EI)
(20) Semi-fragile watermarking scheme based on MPEG-I/II videos content authentication. Computer Engineering, 2006,32(14):160-162 (EI)